To keep our employees safe, all of our employees are being asked to work from home to the degree they are able. Because we must still function as a business, our lab and offices will remain open but are closed to visitors. We intend to create safe spaces for those members of our staff that are required to be onsite, like our lab personnel, that are unable to work from home. While onsite, social distancing measures as well as frequent sanitizing measures are in practice. For us, this focus on hand washing and sanitizing has always been our mode of behavior because of the nature of our work. So we are well equipped in this regard.
We have applied social distancing measures to our field staff as well. Our operators have always worked alone so their work continues unimpeded, but we have eliminated in-person, face to face and group meetings. Face to face meetings with our customers or EPA officials may still happen outdoors, but with social distancing measures in place.
Our technical field people no longer share vehicles, even when going to the same site. They too have eliminated all in-person, face to face meetings whenever possible. Unfortunately, the nature of much of their repair work requires a team working closely together. We are asking them to take all reasonable precautions. No one is being asked to do anything that they consider to be unsafe. Every employee has the right to say no.
Our employees have been credentialed through the Ohio Department of Homeland Security as part of their Emergency Partner Credentialing System. Should there be illnesses and absences with our staff, we will contact the Ohio EPA and request coverage through outside operators to ensure standards remain high. We are committed to our customers that as owners they are not negatively impacted if by our staff following Governor DeWine's directive regarding the 'stay at home' order and self-quarantine.
This is a dynamic situation, and we will address rule changes or changes in our work habits as the situation dictates.
If you have any questions about this or if there is any way in which we can assist you, we ask that you email us through this website and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Stay Well -
Jennifer Ake-Marriott